ECE 4160 Fast Robots

Raphael Fortuna

Lab reports made by Raphael Fortuna @ rafCodes Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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Lab 1: Artemis

In this lab I setup the RedBoard Artemis Nano and ran...

Lab 2: Bluetooth

In this lab, I set up Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)...

Lab 3: Time of Flight Sensors

In this lab, I soldered each of the two time of flight...

Lab 4: IMU

In this lab, I added the inertial measurement unit (IMU) ...

Lab 5: Motors and Open Loop Control

In this lab I soldered wires to the motor drivers and...

Lab 6: Closed Loop Control (PID)

In this lab, I added a system for collected and sending...

Lab 7: Kalman Filter

In this lab, I made a Kalman Filter in Python and extrapolated...

Lab 8: Stunts

In this lab, I completed the Task A stunt of flipping the...

Lab 9: Mapping

In this lab, I added mapping functionality to the robot to...

Lab 10: Grid Localization using Bayes Filter

In this lab, I implemented grid localization using a Bayes Filter...

Lab 11: Localization on the real robot

In this lab, I merged lab 9 and 10 together to allow for the robot...

Lab 12: Path Planning and Execution

In this lab, I worked with Jueun and Tiantian to have the robot path...

Lab 8 Videos

Videos for class voting